PROXIMO ANIVERSARIO 23 DEL HOGAR DE ANCIANOS CASA DE LA MISERICORDIA. 12 DE OCTUBRE 2022.El 23° aniversario del hogar de la ASOCIACIÓN DE ANCIANOS CASA DE LA MISERICORDIA DE BARRANCABERMEJA; el cual nació (12 de octubre de 1999: acta de constitución) como fruto de la intervención Divina por los méritos de su infancia del DIVINO NIÑO JESÚS, al haberme curado de la enfermedad conocida como cáncer del
colon. Habiéndole pedido el permiso al siempre recordado Padre Mario José Plata, para iniciar la obra Obra de Dios POR LOS ANCIANOS DESAMPARADOS, en santa retribución a los favores recibidos, como es la vida después de una enfermedad mortal, es como volver a nacer. Había la posibilidad como ahora de trabajar con los ancianos desamparados, para llevarles la Misericordia de Dios para calmar sus dolencias y traerles la Esperanza de un Dios misericordioso. El Padre Plata en la siguiente Eucaristía iba a anunciar, para mi sorpresa: “Nancy va a hacer un HOGAR PARA ANCIANOS”; acto seguido, a la salida de la Santa Misa, se me acercó la señora Aminta de Riascos quien ofreció dar $40.000, 00 mensuales para el sostenimiento de un ANCIANO, la señora Olguita Suarez de Mejía ofreció $90.000,00 pesos mensuales para que arrendara una casita, la cual se tomó en arriendo el 1° octubre de 1999 en el barrio Santander, diagonal al C.D.B. Los dos primeros ancianos beneficiarios fueron Germán Chavarría y Cesar Barros (que en paz descanse) q.e.d. lee mas
El 12 de octubre nos unimos al grupo de oración de LA DIVINA MISERICORDIA, y la Pastoral de Salud de la Parroquia de María Auxiliadora, realizando el Acta de Constitución de la ASOCIACIÓN DE ANCIANOS CASA DE LA MISERICORDIA BARRANCABERMEJA, mediante la acogida brindada por la señoras Carmen Elena Rodríguez y Carmen Rosa Ruiz, bajo el (visto bueno) V.B. de Monseñor Jaime Prieto Amaya y el Padre Mario José Plata. La misión del Hogar es: “Acoger a los ancianos desamparados de la Familia y la Sociedad, para brindarles una ayuda integral como Alimentación, Techo, Vestido, Recreación, Afecto, Dirección Espiritual, Terapia Ocupacional, con la Providencia de Dios y los buenos Corazones. Todos los benefactores: Monseñor Jaime Prieto Amaya, Padre Mario José Plata, Padre Arturo Garzón Alfonso Q.E.D., Padre Luis Carlos Arbeláez, al Padre Rafael Pombo, al Padre Juvenal, al Padre Ever Del Arco, Padre Noel Uribe, Padre Jahir Montagut, Hermana Sor Mercedes Aristizabal, Hermana Susana …………., Grupo de la Misericordia de la parroquia San Judas Tadeo y Grupo de la Divina Misericordia y Pastoral de la Salud de la parroquia del Divino Salvador; los Arquitecto Henry Taylor Camargo Archila, Giovanni Saldarriaga, Héctor Juan Sierra, Ingeniero Francisco Forero, gracias a los Soldados del Batallón Nueva Granada del Ejército de Colombia quienes participaron en la construcción de la Sede propia de la ASOCIACIÓN DE ANCIANOS CASA DE LA MISERICORDIA. Gracias a estos benefactores, que con sus oraciones, ayudas materiales y económicas, sus servicios, el Hogar tiene actualmente 80 adultos mayores, 25 mujeres, 55 hombres, a quienes se cuidan cada vez mejor, recordando la frase de San Vicente de Paul “La caridad debe ser organizada y debemos hacer el bien pero muy bien hecho”. Teniendo en cuenta la bienaventuranza “Dichosos los que son misericordiosos, porque ellos obtendrán misericordia”: Gracias Señor de la Misericordia por los 20 años de vida del Hogar. Gracias a Dios por toda mi familia que me ha permitido dedicarle todo mi tiempo al Hogar, gracias señor por todos los voluntarios del Hogar, por la vida de todos los ancianos del Hogar a lo largo de estos diez veinte años. Gracias señor por todos los empleados del Hogar que trabajan por amor viendo en los ancianos el rostro de JESÚS. Gracias a Dios por la JUNTA DIRECTIVA, su gran apoyo y esmero y dedicación; a la profesora Tine Penagos de Palencia, por su inmensa labor de apoyo en la organización de eventos productivos para generar ingresos para la construcción de la Sede propia. Gracias a la FUNDACIÓN NELLY RAMÍREZ MORENO por su ayuda valiosa en la construcción de la Sede propia, en la recreación adecuada para los abuelos y la capacitación paciente y esmerada del personal directivo a través de la Fundación RUHA. Recordando las palabras de Madre Teresa: “El objetivo general de la sociedad salió de labios del propio Cristo Nuestro Señor. <<Os doy un nuevo mandamiento: Amaos los unos a los otros. Así como os he amado yo, amaos los unos a los otros. Si hay amor entre vosotros, sabréis que sois mis discípulos>>” NANCY ALVERNIA DE MARTINEZ |
The 23th anniversary of the home of the ASSOCIATION OF ELDERS HOUSE OF THE MERCY OF BARRANCABERMEJA; which was born as a result of the Divine intervention for the merits of his childhood of the DIVINE CHILD JESUS, having cured me of the disease known as cancer of the colon. Having asked the permission of the always remembered Father Mario José Plata, to start the work of God FOR THE FOREAST ELDERS, in holy retribution to the favors received, such as life after a deadly disease, is like being born again. There was the possibility as now to work with the helpless elders, to bring them the Mercy of God to calm their ailments and bring them the Hope of a merciful God. Father Plata in the following Eucharist was going to announce, to my surprise: "Nancy is going to make a HOME FOR THE ELDERLY"; immediately after leaving the Holy Mass, I was approached by Mrs. Aminta de Riascos who offered to give $ 40,000.00 per month to support an ELDERLY, Mrs. Olguita Suarez de Mejía offered $ 90,000.00 pesos per month to rent a small house , which was leased on October 1, 1999 in the Santander neighborhood, diagonal to the CBD The first two elderly beneficiaries were Germán Chavarría and Cesar Barros (may he rest in peace) q.e.d.
On October 12 we joined the prayer group of LA DIVINA MISERICORDIA, and the Pastoral of Health of the Parish of Mary Help of Christians, carrying out the Act of Constitution of the ASSOCIATION OF ELDERLY HOUSE OF THE BARRANCABERMEJA MERCY, through the welcome provided by Mrs. Carmen Elena Rodríguez and Carmen Rosa Ruiz, under (approved) V.B. of Monsignor Jaime Prieto Amaya and Father Mario José Plata.
The mission of the Home is: “To welcome the homeless elders of the Family and Society, to provide them with integral assistance such as Food, Roof, Clothing, Recreation, Affection, Direction
Spiritual, Occupational Therapy, with the Providence of God and the good Hearts.
All benefactors: Monsignor Jaime Prieto Amaya, Father Mario José Plata, Father Arturo Garzón Alfonso QED, Father Luis Carlos Arbeláez, Father Rafael Pombo, Father Juvenal, Father Ever Del Arco, Father Noel Uribe, Father Jahir Montagut, Sister Sister Mercedes Aristizabal, Sister Susana ............... the Architect Henry Taylor Camargo Archila, Giovanni Saldarriaga, Héctor Juan Sierra, Francisco Forero Engineer, thanks to the Soldiers of the New Granada Battalion of the Colombian Army who participated in the construction of the Headquarters of the ASSOCIATION OF ELDERLY HOUSE OF THE MERCY.
Thanks to these benefactors, who with their prayers, material and economic aid, their services, the Home currently has 80 older adults, 25 women, 55 men, who take better care of themselves, remembering the phrase of St. Vincent de Paul “The Charity must be organized and we must do good but very well done. ”
Taking into account the bliss "Blessed are those who are merciful, because they will obtain mercy": Thank you Lord of Mercy for the 20 years of life of the Home.
Thank God for all my family that has allowed me to dedicate all my time to the Home, thank you sir for all the volunteers of the Home, for the life of all the elders of the Home throughout
These ten twenty years. Thank you, sir, for all the employees of the Home who work for love, seeing the face of JESUS in the elderly. Thank God for the BOARD OF DIRECTORS, your great support and
dedication and dedication; to Professor Tine Penagos de Palencia, for her immense support work in organizing productive events to generate income for the construction of the Headquarters.
Thanks to the NELLY RAMÍREZ MORENO FOUNDATION for their valuable help in the construction of their own Headquarters, in adequate recreation for grandparents and patient and careful training of the Management staff through the RUHA Foundation.
Remembering the words of Mother Teresa: “The general objective of society came from the lips of Christ Our Lord himself. << I give you a new commandment: Love one another. As I have loved you, love one another. If there is love between you, you will know that you are my disciples >> ”
On October 12 we joined the prayer group of LA DIVINA MISERICORDIA, and the Pastoral of Health of the Parish of Mary Help of Christians, carrying out the Act of Constitution of the ASSOCIATION OF ELDERLY HOUSE OF THE BARRANCABERMEJA MERCY, through the welcome provided by Mrs. Carmen Elena Rodríguez and Carmen Rosa Ruiz, under (approved) V.B. of Monsignor Jaime Prieto Amaya and Father Mario José Plata.
The mission of the Home is: “To welcome the homeless elders of the Family and Society, to provide them with integral assistance such as Food, Roof, Clothing, Recreation, Affection, Direction
Spiritual, Occupational Therapy, with the Providence of God and the good Hearts.
All benefactors: Monsignor Jaime Prieto Amaya, Father Mario José Plata, Father Arturo Garzón Alfonso QED, Father Luis Carlos Arbeláez, Father Rafael Pombo, Father Juvenal, Father Ever Del Arco, Father Noel Uribe, Father Jahir Montagut, Sister Sister Mercedes Aristizabal, Sister Susana ............... the Architect Henry Taylor Camargo Archila, Giovanni Saldarriaga, Héctor Juan Sierra, Francisco Forero Engineer, thanks to the Soldiers of the New Granada Battalion of the Colombian Army who participated in the construction of the Headquarters of the ASSOCIATION OF ELDERLY HOUSE OF THE MERCY.
Thanks to these benefactors, who with their prayers, material and economic aid, their services, the Home currently has 80 older adults, 25 women, 55 men, who take better care of themselves, remembering the phrase of St. Vincent de Paul “The Charity must be organized and we must do good but very well done. ”
Taking into account the bliss "Blessed are those who are merciful, because they will obtain mercy": Thank you Lord of Mercy for the 20 years of life of the Home.
Thank God for all my family that has allowed me to dedicate all my time to the Home, thank you sir for all the volunteers of the Home, for the life of all the elders of the Home throughout
These ten twenty years. Thank you, sir, for all the employees of the Home who work for love, seeing the face of JESUS in the elderly. Thank God for the BOARD OF DIRECTORS, your great support and
dedication and dedication; to Professor Tine Penagos de Palencia, for her immense support work in organizing productive events to generate income for the construction of the Headquarters.
Thanks to the NELLY RAMÍREZ MORENO FOUNDATION for their valuable help in the construction of their own Headquarters, in adequate recreation for grandparents and patient and careful training of the Management staff through the RUHA Foundation.
Remembering the words of Mother Teresa: “The general objective of society came from the lips of Christ Our Lord himself. << I give you a new commandment: Love one another. As I have loved you, love one another. If there is love between you, you will know that you are my disciples >> ”